Member-only story
It’s Impossible to Keep Up with Reality
It’s impossible to keep up with reality. No matter how hard you try, no matter how fast you think you are, reality is always one step ahead of you and, by the time you get where reality is, reality is already somewhere else.
In this supersaturated media environment, it is impossible to stop and take stock of where we’re at because the moment you stop to take stock, thousands of new bits of data are deluged upon you, each one having to be evaluated and adjudicated before you can believe it…or not….but the evidence itself keeps changing from moment to moment, making it impossible to take stock.
There are people like my friend Gil Friend, who struggles valiantly to help reorganize people to reorganize society before it is too late, even though it was patently obvious to me that it was already too late 40 years ago. And then there’s my friend Michael Muskal, who religiously posts the best dance videos online. I never fail to stop and watch them because they make me happy until I remember that I can’t dance like that and never really could. (I still call them friends, although I haven’t seen or talked to them for almost 50 years.)
These people, and others like them, are drops in the bucket, and — because the bucket has no bottom — their collective efforts leak away even as they attempt to do things to fill up that bucket of…