Well, friends, I hear that someone made a speech last night about immigration. I have heard that there are a lot of people who are very upset about what the speaker said. I have not heard it. I have not read it. I will not listen to it. I will not read it. I haven’t heard the comments about it. I haven’t read the comments about it. I will not listen to the comments about it. I will not read the comments about it. (Don’t carp. If the speech was about the wall, it was about immigration. If it was about the shutdown, it was about immigration.)
So, if a tree falls in the woods, and no one is there to hear it, how do you know the tree fell?
You know the tree fell because the man whose house it fell upon comes running into town to tell everyone else about the calamity that has befallen him.
I know about the speech because I saw it mentioned on social media and therefore I believe that the speech was given.
Why am I not interested in what this person said or what other people said about what this person said?
I am not interested because I am a landless peasant, a serf, a wage slave without wages, a gigless victim of the gig economy.
I am not interested because I know that I am powerless to do anything about what that person says or does. The only thing that makes us different is…